16 Easy Ways To Save Energy in the Bedroom.

There are so many ways to save energy that implementing everything at once is overwhelming. After all, change does take time.
Since it’s easier to make adjustments one at a time, we’re continuing our series that explores how to save energy room by room, which will help drive down your electric bill.
Today, we focus on how to save energy in your bedroom.
Save Energy With Small Behavior Changes
- Unplug your phone charger when you’re not using it. When any type of charger is plugged in, it is still using a small amount of power that allows it to be ready the instant you connect your phone. This phenomenon is known as vampire power drain.
- Use window coverings according to the season. During the summer, you’ll want to prevent direct sunlight from coming into your room by closing blinds and drapes, while you’ll welcome the extra heat during the winter and should keep blinds open throughout the day.
- Keep your fireplace damper closed unless you have a fire going. If it’s open, cold or hot air – depending on the season – will escape from your house through the chimney.
- Close the door to your closet, especially if it’s on an exterior wall. This will cut down on the air volume that your HVAC system has to adjust.
Save Energy With Maintenance
- Make sure air vents and registers are not blocked by furniture. This helps air flow freely and circulate around your entire house rather than stay in a certain part. You use less electricity when your heating and air conditioning system is working most efficiently.
- Clean your vents and change your filters regularly. Similar to appliances, HVAC systems run most efficiently when they are clean. When dust or other particles are blocking the ducts, the system has to work harder to circulate air in your house, using more electricity.
- Check around your windows and doors for leaks. If you find any, seal them with caulk to prevent drafts.
Save Energy With Lights
- Replace bulbs with energy-efficient ones. LEDs use up to 75% less energy than traditional incandescents. Replacing your five most frequently used bulbs with Energy Star lights can save $70 a year in energy costs, according to the Energy Star website. For more info on the differences between incandescents, CFLs and LEDs, follow the link.
- Paint your walls a lighter color to brighten up room. Not only do dark colors make a space seem smaller, but they also absorb light and require you to use brighter bulbs or more bulbs to light the room.
- Use natural light when possible. During the summer, make sure you take advantage of the sunlight when you want to brighten your home (as long as it’s not directly shining into your house, which will warm your house).
- Turn off the lights. This one is an oldie but goodie. When you’re not using lights, turn them off. Not only will you save on energy costs, but you’ll also expand the life of the bulbs. Compact florescent lights are the only exception to this rule. If you have CFLs, then the rule of thumb is turn the light off if you’ll be out of the room for 15 minutes or more.
- Only light the part of the room you’re occupying. For example, if you’re reading a book, you don’t need to brighten the whole room, only the area right around you.
Others Ways To Save
- Buy Energy Star certified televisions and computers. On averageEnergy Star qualified TVs are more than 20 percent more efficient than conventional models.
- Use your ceiling fan according to the season. Ceiling fans can make rooms feel four to six degrees cooler, which saves you money on electricity since fans use less electricity than your HVAC system. You can still use your fans during the winter, because most have a switch that change the direction the fan turns. During colder months, your fan should rotate clockwise on low speed to distribute the warm air.
- Mind your temperature. To conserve electricity, the Public Utility Commission of Texas recommends setting your thermostat to 78 degrees in the summer (80+ when you’re not home) and 68 degrees during the winter. Every degree of extra cooling or heating will increase energy usage 6 percent to 8 percent.
- Switch electricity providers. As always, in most of Texas you can switch retail electric providers if you’re not happy with your rate or service.
Lindsey Perkins Wade is managing editor of Electricity Simplified, which aims to educate Texans about the electric industry and provide tips for better energy efficiency.